Personality profiles Force Police Officers

Abstract: The present study was aimed at investigating whether different personality profiles could be found among Italian police Special Force (SF) officers. Our hypothesis was that different personality profiles would be found, and that they would differ with respect to psychological and organizational functioning. This conjecture was tested on anonymously collected Big Five scores of all members of a ‘Reparto Mobile’ unit (n = 289) by means of a Two-Step cluster analysis. Two distinct personality profiles were found: two-thirds of participants showed a personality profile that was quite similar to the general population, with the exception of a higher self-reported emotional stability and self-deceptive enhancement, while the remaining third showed higher levels of any personality domain than both the other cluster and the general population. These officers also endorsed lower scores in measures of depression, anxiety, professional exhaustion, loss of empathy, and higher scores in a measure of organizational resilience, suggesting that they may represent the most suitable personnel for the delicate tasks their unit usually has to accomplish. In addition, self-deceptive enhancement emerged as a likely personality trait of police SF officers.

Keywords: Police Big Five Special forces Personality profiles Psychological functioning

Garbarino, S., Chiorri, C., Magnavita, N., Piattino, S. & Cuomo, G. (2012). Personality profiles Force Police Officers. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, 27(2), 99-110. doi: 10.1007/s11896-011-9099-6.

Evaluation of operational stress in riot and crowd control police units: a global challenge for prevention and management of police task-related stress

Abstract: The aim of the current study was to evaluate stress levels during routine activities and during a major political event by members of the VI Reparto Mobile, an Italian specialized police unit exclusively deployed for riot and crowd control, which had undergone serious stress and liability consequences after the 2001 G8-Summit in Genoa. The investigation protocol consisted of a psychological assessment at the beginning of the study, evaluation of task-related stress with the Job Content Questionnaire (JCQ) and the Effort-Reward Imbalance questionnaire (ERI) at two time periods, and evaluation of behavioral and clinical outcomes as measured by short-term sickness absences (STSA) throughout the duration of the study. The sample consisted of 290 policemen, representing a 98.6 % participation rate. Results found that unit officers were more emotionally stable, conscientious and open to experiences than the general male population and career soldiers. JCQ and ERI decreased significantly when compared with daily and special event activities (p < 0.001). Fifty-one percent of officers took STSA during three months of routine deployment, whereas only 35.5 % took it during the 2009 G8-Summit. These results suggest that members of the specialized unit had good capacity to withstand stress. Chronic routine work might be significantly more stressful for these kinds of officers than assignment to a special high-risk political event when adequate training, positive psychosocial support and appropriate organization of the event are provided.

Keywords: Operational stress Law enforcement Riot and crowd control Sickness absence

Garbarino, S., Magnavita, N., Chiorri, C., Brisinda, D., Cuomo, G., Venuti, A., & Fenici, R. (2012). Evaluation  of operational stress in riot and crowd control police units: a global challenge for prevention and management of police task-related stress. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, 27(2), 111-122. doi: 10.1007/s11896-012-9104-8.

Valutazione del carico di lavoro in contesti di simulazione del settore navale

Abstract: Negli ultimi anni, sia in campo civile che militare, si osserva la tendenza a diminuire il numero degli equipaggi di bordo delle unità navali, fenomeno legato al contenimento dei costi come pure all’aumento della tecnologia/automazione utilizzata a bordo. In questo contesto, le analisi sempre più dettagliate sui carichi di lavoro del personale di bordo assumono importanza e attualità sempre maggiori al fine di individuare soluzioni per portare gli operatori ad avere un livello accettabile di carico di lavoro e di assicurarsi che esso sia distribuito il più equamente possibile tra le risorse disponibili. Lo scopo della ricerca era quello di mettere a punto una serie di strumenti facilmente utilizzabili, poco invasivi e affidabili nei risultati al fine di misurare direttamente a bordo il carico di lavoro degli operatori. La presente ricerca ha permesso di valutare la sensibilità del NASA-TLX come strumento di misura soggettiva del carico di lavoro nel contesto navale, oltre che apprezzare la validità dei contesti simulativi per lo studio del carico di lavoro. Il NASA-TLX si è dimostrato uno strumento flessibile, affidabile e sensibile, oltre che di facile somministrazione. I limiti dello strumento sono quelli di ogni altra valutazione soggettiva: la risposta è completamente affidata al criterio del soggetto e il controllo dello sperimentatore è ridotto al minimo. Resta comunque opportuno considerare la possibilità di creare strumenti di misura del carico di lavoro specifici per l’attività in esame, l’affidabilità del NASA-TLX può quindi essere utile per una validazione comparativa di nuovi approcci al carico di lavoro.

Bracco, F., Chiorri, C., & Ricco, S. (2010). Valutazione del carico di lavoro in contesti di simulazione del settore navale. Rivista Italiana di Ergonomia, 1, 68-92. PDF

Real-time motion attention and expressive gesture interfaces

Abstract: This paper aims at investigating the relationship between gestures’ expressivity and the amount of attention they attract. We present a technique for quantifying behavior saliency, here understood as the capacity to capture one’s attention, by the rarity of selected motion and gestural expressive features. This rarity index is based on the real-time computation of the occurrence probability of expressive motion features numerical values. Hence, the time instants that correspond to rare unusual dynamic patterns of an expressive feature are singled out. In a multi-user scenario, the rarity index highlights the person in a group which shows the most different behavior with respect to the others. In a mono-user scenario, the rarity index highlights when the expressive content of a gesture changes. Those methods can be considered as preliminary steps toward context-aware expressive gesture analysis. This work has been partly carried out in the framework of the eNTERFACE 2008 workshop (Paris, France, August 2008) and is partially supported by the EU ICT SAME Project ( and by the NUMEDIART Project (

Keywords: computational attention, saliency, rarity, expressive gesture

Mancas, M., Glowinski, D., Volpe, G., Camurri, A., Coletta, P., Bretéché, P., Demeyer, J., & Ravet, P. (2008). Real-time motion attention and expressive gesture interfaces. Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces, 2(3-4), 187-198. PDF